Right Now You Can Get Instant Access Too For Just $12

The Professor Shares...

How He Got His Ankle-Breaking Handles

  • Are you an aspiring basketball player who’s been struggling to get better at the game?
  • ​Have you ever tried out for a basketball team & didn’t make the cut?
  • ​Or are you on a team right now but your coach leaves you on the bench the whole game?
  • Do you want to develop elite ball handling skills that get you noticed, ranked or picked first on teams? Or do you aspire to get a scholarship to hoop one day?
Lowkey, I feel like he might be one of the best ball handlers of all time.

~ Steph Curry

Lowkey, I feel like he might be one of the best ball handlers of all time.

~ Steph Curry

Well, If that’s the case,

Then you’ve come to the right place.


To tell you that you can become the star player you've always dreamed of being. Or at worst, you can improve to a whole new level that you never envisioned yourself even being capable of. 

Even if you started off like me. Too short. Too skinny. Too small.  With no one you know thinking you have a shot at being a successful ball player.

I’m Here

To tell you that you can become the star player you've always dreamed of being. 

Even if you’re short, skinny, and getting more bench time than playtime right now...
For a select few of you, I’m offering my 12 foundational workouts that turned me into one of the best ball handlers of this generation.

And if you’re ready, for the first time, I’m offering those 12 workouts NOW...

For $12 Today

And if you’re ready, I’m offering those 12 workouts

For $12 Today

But first let’s see if I can even help you here...

Does this sound like you?

  • You can’t shoot or dribble to save your life, people don’t even regard you as a basketball player at all.
  • Or you already know how to dribble, but maybe you’re not very good at it.
  • You’re average at best and want to take your ball handling to the next level.
  • ​Or maybe you’re already an elite ball player, but want to level up even more.
  • ​Or perhaps you're so frustrated, worn out, and embarrassed that you just want to give up and forget about basketball altogether.

If any of those scenarios sound like you, GREAT.

Because…here’s the thing.

  • You can become one of the best basketball players in whatever region you're in, but it won’t happen overnight.
  • It takes time and dedication to learn any skill.
  • But, the key to making progress is to focus on the fundamentals.
  • ​Work on your dribbling, your shooting, your passing, & your defense.
  • ​Spend time in the gym, watching game film, and studying the game.

Now, this is all well and good, but you might be wondering, why haven’t I been able to make any progress so far?

Well, that’s the big problem!

Basketball is a sport where skill is KING. It’s not enough to be bigger, faster, and stronger than your opponent.

You need to be more precise. Smarter. More savvy.

If you keep watching, I’ll explain exactly how to train to get there,

So, stay tuned...
You’re about to learn why you haven’t been able to make much progress, and how you can start making progress with your ball handling skill development.

And just imagine the pride and joy you will feel when you have achieved your goals on the court.

You can stand tall, knowing the hard work you’ve put in has paid off.

You can show off your newly mastered skills and feel what it’s like to be a key player on a team.

As you continue to work on your game and improve, you will become more and more confident in yourself and your abilities.

You will be able to handle the pressure and the competition that comes with being a part of a team.

You will learn new techniques and strategies that will help you be successful in the game. 

You will make friends that will last a lifetime.

There is something special about the bond

..that is formed when you are part of a team. Or the places basketball can take you..

  • As you travel to other cities you will have the chance to make new friends and have new experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.
  • ​You will have the chance to show your skills and talents to the world.
  • ​You will be proud of the work you have put in and the success you have achieved.
Again, my name is Grayson Boucher, better known as “The Professor” & I am a Professional Basketball Player, YouTuber, and Actor.
I’m known worldwide for playing on the And1 Mixtape Tour in the early 2000's, and for my success at showing my game on YouTube over the years.
I’ve been fortunate enough to make appearances in several movies, including Semi Pro, Ball Don’t Lie and Hustle and have become a playable character in several video games over the years. 

I’ve accumulated over 25 million followers across all of my social media platforms with over 5 billion views. I’m known as one of the best ball handlers of this generation and have been  co-signed by some of the best to ever play the game.

But not long ago, I was just like you!

I grew up in a small home town dedicated to basketball and I was surrounded by people who were excited about the game.

At the ripe age of 2, my dad put a basketball in my hands for the first time. And not long after, his passion for the game grew onto me. As I got older, I became more enthusiastic and developed a deep love for the sport.

In 4th grade I realized that I had a gift for handling a basketball and started developing some elite offensive skills.

But there was a problem…

Freshman year of high school, I was only 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighed in at a mere 85 pounds.

I wasn’t exactly what you’d call "NBA material."

I wasn’t even College material.

Heck, I wasn’t even Varsity material.

Junior year of high school, I got cut from the varsity team.

It hurt.

My whole identity was based around basketball.

And there I was being demoted to JV while all my friends went on to play varsity.

But I was determined to become the best basketball player I could be and I put in countless hours of hard work and dedication.

I hooped at least 5 times a week...

I hooped mid day either on my own at the local gym, or at team practice.

And then I hooped again in the evenings in my driveway, or wherever I had the chance.

And often times, I dedicated full weekends to working on my game.

This hard work eventually paid off, and I was able to get 2nd team all-state my senior year. Coming just 1 vote shy of League MVP...

But despite my best efforts, I still got cut from several community college teams.

Until the very last one decided to take a chance on me.

But even then, unfortunately, I was just a bench warmer.

Tough time for me. I hated it.

I worked so hard to develop the skills I had, and being forced to sit on the bench was a tough pill to swallow.

But I didn’t stop working on my game.

I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from becoming a much better basketball player. In my head, I always kept hope that I was going to make it somehow, some way.

& Let's just say my hard work paid off...

  • I started doing it 3 a'days after my freshman year in college.
  • Practiced at 5am with 500 jump shots before class.
  • Open-gym against competition mid day.
  • ​Then, I hit the weights
  • ... Then more practice in the evening.
At this time the AND1 Mixtape Tour was holding tryouts before their tour stops, looking for new talent.

I went and tried out. Got asked to be on the tour as a contestant in a summer long contest, and eventually won an endorsement deal with the company. The whole process was documented on a hit reality TV show on ESPN called "And1 Streetball."

This tour provided me with the opportunity to display my skills in front of millions of people... The tour had a cult following worldwide.

Through my time on the AND1 Mixtape Tour, which had 7 seasons on ESPN, I was able to garner even more attention and I eventually landed roles in several movies, starred in a bunch of commercials, was on the cover of a video game and was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine.

It is my firm belief that passion and hard work can help anyone achieve their goals.

I want to help those who are looking to become THE BEST basketball player they can be...

And I’m confident that with the right attitude and dedication, literally anyone can improve immensely. And for some, make their basketball dreams come true.

You’re struggling to get better at playing basketball...

You see, when aspiring basketball players are struggling to get better at basketball, they try all sorts of so-called “solutions.”

For Example…

They go to Youtube and watch drill after drill. Or they get info or training from a local coach or trainer.

And they end up with absolutely no idea how to actually use what they’re learning in a real game when the pressure is high.

There’s a better way.

If you want to:

  • See a massive improvement in your game over time 
  • Get noticed by coaches and other top players
  • Win competitions or local pick up games
  • ​Or even earn a scholarship for basketball long term...

Then you need to have 2 things that are super key:

  • A proven practice routine that's communicated and broken 
 down, that gives you constant improvement in your game.
  • ​Some great perspective and guidance from someone who 
 has already had success in the game at a high level (a pro player).
A professional basketball player can provide you with invaluable guidance and direction when it comes to skill development.

I’m not hating on any coaches when I say this: In my experience, a lot of coaches aren’t able to teach you how to play basketball at a high level.

That’s why working with a professional can change your game!

They can give you drills and workouts that they have used before that will help you improve your shooting, passing, dribbling, and defense at a higher level.

And often times, even just providing that extra perspective that you needed that you wouldn’t have had otherwise, can make you more successful in your hoop journey.


The Brand-New Crossed Up University!

... That's Right! For ONLY $12!

This brand new program is a culmination of all of the drills I did over the past 2 decades to become one of the most renowned street basketball players in the world.

I’ve held nothing back in this program....

It’s designed to give you the skills, training, and confidence you need to achieve mastery over your ball handling skills.

With my unique program, you'll have a proven roadmap you can follow to develop your footwork and ball handling skills.

This program is based on the idea that "Practice Makes Perfect."

With my program, you'll be able to practice on your own without having to worry about staying stuck at the same level.

By learning from this program, you'll be able to understand foundational footwork, to basic and high level moves off the dribble. And you can work your way toward mastering these moves, and developing your own unique style of play.

We also understand that everyone learns differently and that's why we've created a program that lets you go at your own pace.

My program consists of move breakdowns that are designed to build on one another - so that you know what you need to be working on, and what you can learn next.

By using this program, you'll be able to take your game to the next level.


Join Crossed Up University today and start taking your game to the next level.

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn inside:
  • Just getting started in the game and want to learn how to handle the ball? Unlock key footwork early in your journey that’ll be game changing.
  • ​Have you hit a wall in your dribbling? Unlock the secrets to master footwork of moves off the dribble.
  • ​Feel limited when it comes to how many moves you have to play create? Develop unstoppable hesitations and foundational moves.
  • ​Learn cheat code footwork using the "Hesitation Series" workout.
  • Improve your stamina with the unstoppable "Cardio Handle Series"
  • ​Take your skills to the next level with the "Shamgod & Look Away" move
  • ​The "Tim Hardaway" crossover and exactly how to get it down, step by step
  • ​Penetrate the defense with the "Foundational Moves To The Basket"
  • ​Learn the powerful steps to take your crossovers to the next level
  • ​The 2 biggest myths that are holding you back from becoming the basketball player you’ve always strived to be
  • ​Make the most out of your possessions and maximize your efficiency with the "Hang Dribble Series"
  • ​Master the art of spin moves to leave your defender in the dust
  • Start to develop moves going to the basket with the "Foundational Footwork Series"
  • ​Unlock your maximum potential and become tough to guard, late in the game, with the "Cardio Handle Series"
Now that’s just a taste of what you’ll get inside Crossed Up University…

And right now, I want to share

How you can get your hands on it…

Now that’s just a taste of
what you’ll get inside Crossed Up University…

And right now, I want to share

How you can get your hands on it…


Just click the button below, and you can get instant access to The Crossed Up University Program.

You can get instant access for just one easy
payment of $12.

That’s less than the price of 2 Venti Starbucks coffees.

For A Limited-Time, Special Price!

Just click the button below and you can get instant access to the Crossed Up University Program.

You can get instant access right now for just one easy payment of $12.

That’s less than the price of 2 Venti Starbucks coffees.

Plus, your investment is completely safe with my "Professor Guarantee."

Here’s the thing…

If you don’t see the drastic improvements in your game…

If you don’t think this program is worth 100X what you paid for it...

Then I don’t want your money.

Just reach out to me or my team within 30 days and you’ll
receive a full refund.

No questions asked. No hassle. That’s a no brainer offer if you ask me.

Now it’s time to make a choice.

You’re faced with one of two decisions to make today. 

The first decision is the easiest – do nothing.

Don’t take a leap of faith, don’t get the Crossed Up University Program, settle for what you have now, and get what you’ve always had...


Kevin Garnett

“To me, you’re The Godfather [of modern Streetball/YouTube era]. When I’m watching you, you already understand matchups and have a vision [with the basketball].”

Isaiah Thomas

"There is somebody else I'd like to add to the best handles of all times list. New School.. The Professor. The Professor got handles and tricks."

Paul George

"I grew up as a Professor fan. Been watching since I was a kid. Professor taught me how to handle the ball. Taught me how to be a guard."

Steph Curry

“Lowkey, I feel like he might be one of the best ball handlers of all time.”

But, Question...

How’s that been working for you?

Your second choice is to join the rest of the players inside Crossed Up University for a small investment of just $12, and yes, I said small because that’s what it is when you compare it to all the value you get in return.
  • Just give it a shot. 
  • If it works for you, keep it.
  • If not, I’ll give you your money back.
Either way, you’ve invested in yourself, you made it a priority to get better at basketball and I have only seen players much better off as a result of that.  

So, do nothing and get nothing... Or, get started by clicking the button below, and finally get on the right path to better ball handling.

Thank you for watching this video & I’ll see 
you on the next page!

© Global Hooper, 2024